


皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College believes that effective communication is crucial for maintaining 高效和专业的工作环境. 本政策及其附带条款 procedure, is intended to provide guidance to WVC email users to ad在这里 to appropriate email etiquette when communicating using large email distribution lists.


700.100 电子资讯资源政策
700.110 电子讯息政策
700.115 邮件保留策略
700.125 可接受和合乎道德的使用政策
1700.120 电子邮件分发列表使用程序


A. 目的

的 purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all college email users ad在这里 to appropriate email etiquette when sending messages to large distribution lists. 的 objective of email moderation of large distribution lists is to manage the flow and 邮件信息的适当内容. 通过遵循这些指导方针,我们可以 maintain effective communication, prevent unnecessary clutter, and enhance the overall productivity and professionalism of our organization.

B. 配发清单的使用

  1. 相关内容: Distribution lists should only be used when the message is relevant and of interest 发给列表中的大多数收件人. 考虑你的信息是否必要 for most 收件人 before sending it to a distribution list.
  2. 盲抄送(BCC) Use the BCC field to protect the privacy of 收件人 and prevent "reply all" storms.
  3. 用户标识: 所有电子邮件都将包含“发送至”声明. 例如:“这封邮件的收件人是 “所有地区”或“所有地区”.”
  4. 可访问性: 所有通讯将遵循 易访问性需求 概述 在这里.

C. 电子邮件适度

  1. 审核目的: 的 college will implement email moderation for large distribution lists to manage the flow of information and ensure that only appropriate content is shared with the 收件人.
  2. 审核团队: A dedicated team or individuals assigned by the president’s cabinet will be responsible for moderating emails sent to the distribution list. 该团队将审核并批准 messages to ensure they meet the guidelines outlined in this procedure.
  3. 审批流程: 员工 who wish to send an email to the large distribution list such as All Campus – Omak, All Campus – 皇冠8868会员登录, All District, or other lists as identified by the president’s cabinet, will not have the messages released until a moderator can approve 他们. 的 moderation team will review the content for relevance, clarity, and ad在这里nce to email etiquette guidelines before approving the email for distribution.
  4. 及时回顾: 的 moderation team will strive to review and approve or reject emails in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays in communication. 然而,员工应该服从 their messages well in advance to account for any potential review process.
  5. 适度豁免: Certain departments or individuals will be exempt from moderation due to the necessity 用于快速或紧急通信. 的 list of exempt departments or individuals will be managed by the president’s cabinet and will include but not be limited to technology, facilities, cabinet members, human resources and community relations.

D. 清晰简洁的沟通

  1. 主题: Use clear and descriptive subject lines that summarize the content of your email. This helps 收件人 quickly understand the purpose of the message and prioritize 他们的收件箱有效.
  2. 相关内容: Ensure that the content of your email is relevant to the distribution list and aligns 带着它被创造的目的. Avoid sharing unrelated or off-topic information 这可能会使收件人感到困惑或沮丧.
  3. 总结和重点: For lengthy emails, consider including a concise summary at the beginning of the message 为收件人提供快速概述. 使用项目符号、标题或粗体 text to highlight important information and make the content scannable.

E.  专业的语气和语言

  1. 礼貌和尊重: Maintain a professional tone and use courteous language when addressing 收件人. Avoid sarcasm, offensive remarks, or any form of harassment. 善待所有接受者 with respect and ad在这里 to our organization's code of conduct.
  2. 避免过度大写: Writing in all capital letters can be interpreted as shouting or aggressive behavior. Use capitalization appropriately and sparingly to emphasize specific words or phrases.

F. 附件

  1. 附加文件: 不鼓励使用附件. 指向存储在SharePoint中的可访问文件的链接 会受到鼓励. Attachments can cause delivery issues or consume excessive storage 收件人邮箱中的空间. 只要可能,提供链接.


  1. 机密性: Respect confidentiality, privacy standards, and FERPA compliance when communicating 通过电子邮件. Information of a sensitive or confidential nature will not be allowed to be shared on large distribution lists unless explicitly authorized to do so.
  2. 遵守政策: Ad在这里 to all relevant organizational policies, including those related to information security, data protection, and acceptable use of technology resources.

H.  事件

  1. 活动声明: 的 college will provide an email address for event announcements. 事件信息 provided to this email address by noon on a given business day will be consolidated and delivered to the appropriate distribution list. 到7点.m. 下一个工作日 Standalone event announcements will be moderated.

I. 定期培训和更新

的 organization will provide access to Microsoft’s Best Practices for Email Etiquette, including specific guidance on the use of large distribution lists and email moderation. Updates to this procedure will be communicated promptly to ensure continued compliance.

J.  执行

Failure to comply with this procedure for large distribution groups, including ad在这里nce to email moderation procedures, will result in denial of access to the distribution list and could result in disciplinary actions in accordance with our code of conduct.

政策联系人:技术 & 社区关系

700.100     电子资讯资源政策
700.110     电子讯息政策
700.115     邮件保留策略
700.120     电子邮件分发列表使用策略
700.125     可接受和合乎道德的使用政策
